
Wildlife Photography Competitions

Last year I was a guest on the Whales in Paradise whale watching boat which operates from Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia. If you're interested in wildlife photography, I can highly recommend a trip to see these beautiful creatures up close.

Humpback Whale - Gold Coast Australia

We were lucky enough to see humpback whales breaching, which is a spectacular sight. My favourite photos were taken at 1/4000th second, to freeze the action. Two whales came right up to the boat to have a good look at we humans, so we all got portrait shots of the humpbacks too.

Humpback Whale -

Read about it on my Brisbane and Beyond blog.

This inspired me to find some wildlife photography competitions for you. Both of these photo competitions open at the beginning of each year, so you've got plenty of time go in search of a great wildlife photo.

British Wildlife Photography Awards

Obviously the wildlife has to be British, but the competition is open to all amateur and professional photographers of any nationality. Take a look at previous winning entries.

Entry fee: yes

Categories: There are lots of different categories including animal portraits and urban wildlife plus one for photographers under 12 years of age.

Prizes: Cash prizes and camera equipment

Competition opens: February 2015

Competition Website:

Rainbow Lorikeet
Australian Geographic ANZANG Nature Photographer of the Year Competition

This is a yearly competition but you can use photos that are up to seven years old. See the competition website for the exact details. The competition is open to local and international photographers, but photographs must have been taken in the ANZANG area = Australia, New Zealand, Antartica, New Guinea bioregion.

Entry fee: Check the current entry fees

Categories: There are many categories including animal behaviour, threatened species and animal habitat.

Prizes: Main prizes have included $10,000 cash and a holiday for two with smaller cash prizes for category winners.

Competition opens: Check the website each year in January for the exact date. The winners are usually announced mid-year.

Competition Website:

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